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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chpater 9 in Learning and Cognition - Neuroscience of Learning

Neuroscience can seem like a daunting subject to examine but it is actually important for educators to understand the inner workings of the student nervous system and brain. I have often heard people saying they are more right brained or more left brained but I never really paid attention to what that actually meant. The left hemisphere of the brain controls analytical thinking and reading while the right processes spatial, auditory, emotional and artistic abilities. The most important I read was that the brain ultimately uses both left and right sides of the brain simultaneously to regulate learning and other activities. This makes me wonder if there is truly such a thing as being predominantly right or left brained and what I would be considered. What about you?  


  1. Well, as a musician I am right brained primarily . But I do use both parts and the left part of my brain I would have to say is also well developed. I started studying music seriously when I was 12. I do believe that if we had a more active music education program in elementary school I would be much better in the analytic arts because I would have had more cross brain pathways.

  2. I have always considered myself more right brained than left brained. I feel that I am more creative, than analytical, and if given the choice I will choose the creative over the "thinking" project. I do think that everyone uses both sides for the most part equally, but if given a choice will choose what they are more comfortable with.

  3. Obviously, we use both sides of our brain but does someone use one side more? As much research there is to prove this theory there is just as mush to disprove it. I am still not 100% convinced. I am according to some a Right-Side Brain however I think display characteristics from both. I don’t think we will ever know everything there is to learn about the brain. I am amazed of the things we do daily like breathing.

  4. Until I read this chapter I always thought of myself as a right-brained person. I thought I was more artistic and laid back. There are the parts of me that are more analytical. I like to make plans and think out processes before executing them. After reading the chapter I realized that I do use both parts of my brain equally so I do not believe in the right brained thinking verses left brained thinking as much. I see this kind of dual brain thinking with my daughter every day. She loves to be creative but she is a thinker too.

  5. You ask a great question, one that should be explored in greater detail because we can certainly learn a lot about the brain and its functions. It was interesting to me to see how the role it plays in the learning process. Often times we don't really think about the brain but it does play a crutial role. I once had a conversation with a co-worker who mentioned how people who know multiple languages use the brain differently than someone who only knows one language. People who speak in multiple languages during a single conversation use a particular part of the brain. I can't remember exactly how, but it's worth researching it. Great comments!!
